In this era where people are Toing and Froing over trivial matters, where people just want to lead a comfortable life, where for everyone his/her problems are prodigious, there are some people who are lost in this multitude. Have you ever contemplated that why we always keep on inculpating people!! NO ?? The reason is that we are getting more than we stand in need of. We don't value what we have . Rather, we crave for things that we don't have. Blame Game !! That is what we all do right !! Peeps, just think once before blaming. People in this world are in a sitch worse than ours. If we are able-bodied, if we have our Family with us, then we must have been born under a lucky star. I have seen people in circumstances that seem far-fetched and bizarre but the bitter truth is that they are real. Still, the best part is that such people don't play the Blame Game like we do. They know how to acclimate to the battered situations. They are strong enough to overpower th...