What is LIFE!! Life is a Mystery! Life is Sadness! Life is Happiness! Life is about Birth! Life is about Death! Life is a Rainbow! Life is as Dark as Hell! It is all about Human Perception . Life responds in the way we perceive things. Life is never Homogeneous. It waxes and wanes like a Moon. Now it entirely depends on us, how we reciprocate to the ebb and flow of Life. For a person who considers his Life to be not less than a Disaster, who thinks that Life is not fair....things respond accordingly. He would never see that a glass is half full but he would see that it is half empty. He would be circumscribed by all the negative thoughts. Even if the odds are stacked in his favor, he would perceive it in a way that odds are against him. On the other hand, if a person contemplates life to be Beautiful, everything seems to be in favor. Even in a very difficult situation, he would vanquish all the odds with his Powerful and Positive attitude. You must have observed that every app...